Thursday, September 18, 2008
Boyfriend Cheating Quiz - Take This Simple Boyfriend Cheating Quiz
Boyfriend Cheating Quiz - Take This Simple Boyfriend Cheating Quiz
A boyfriend cheating quiz is what you need to determine if you have a cheating boyfriend or not.You may be one the ladies who have bad feelings he is cheating on you. If this is you, than here are a few question you can ask yourself.
But first, before you start reading the question below, do not accuse him of cheating because of one or two question fit the way he is acting. There may be something else going on that he wants to keep to himself. Some things he feel is personal and will not share it with you, just yet. So be careful.
This is a simple boyfriend cheating on me quiz, all you have to do is chose yes or no. Do not make this quiz hard it is easy and it can enlightened you on a few things if you keep your mind open and be honest.
Here you go:
1. Has his work hours change lately and how often?
2. Does he act funny when his cell phone or house phone ring?
3. Does he still touch you that certain way?
4. How much time does he spend with his buddies?
5. Do they call to get him out of the house a lot?
6. How does he dress when he go to work or anywhere else?
Those are just six of the many more question you should be asking yourself and answering. Two of the question go hand and hand, they are cell phone and his friends. These two working together make it hard for you to catch him. Here how you handle that, listen to the tone of his voice.
You have heard the way he talks to his friends on the phone before, right, I mean before you thought he was cheating on you. If you really listen you will know when he is talking to his friend or the other woman. You have to learn how to listen.
During your boyfriend cheating quiz if you answered yes to all six question do not panic yet, because there are a lot more question for you to answer. The full boyfriend is cheating quiz will give you the best clues, the answers you need to know for sure.