7 Tell-Tale Clues Someone’s Cheating On You
You want to know for sure, but how can you?
It's easy to write off your feelings as silly jealousy without any
foundation, but is that really what's going on?
What you need to do is arm yourself with cheater radar.
Cheaters and criminals have one big thing in common...they always
make mistakes, no matter how careful they are. Those mistakes are
like finding fingerprints on the murder weapon. That's what nails
either the criminal or the cheater.
Here are just seven things you can look for. I'm going to focus on
men here, because men cheating on women is extremely common. But
there are similar clues for women cheating on men.
This is just a small taste of what's in the Affair Detector guide.
It's a complete system for knowing for sure if somebody's cheating
on you. You can know without a shadow of a doubt within 48 hours,
and stop being abused.
First, do your mutual friends act like they're hiding something?
This can be subtle, but you'll know if you pay attention. Are they
talking uncomfortably when you mention your guy being AWOL last
week at some odd times? Are they stealing secret glances? Those are
Second, does he accuse YOU of cheating?
Jealously can go both ways, but sometimes the person making
unfounded accusations is the guilty one. (That's a big reason you
want to know for sure before you accuse, by the way.)
If he's calling you a cheater, he might be trying to deflect blame.
That's a classic sign of wrongdoing that police detectives use
every day to nail criminals.
Third, do your fights seem scheduled?
If he's always picking a fight with you on the same night, that
seems convenient, doesn't it? Odds are good he's looking for a
convenient reason to leave the house for a date. And if he's
enjoying himself, he might stay "mad" the entire weekend so he can
have more fun.
We have some very insightful tips on these first three points in
Affair Detector, which is simply a MUST read:
Fourth, is his paycheck magically disappearing?
Maybe you've noticed his overtime pay doesn't seem to make it into
your joint bank account. He's probably been using overtime as an
excuse for not being with you, but if the pay's not there,
something's fishy. What's he using that money for?
Fifth, if you're married, does he seem to be hiding you or your
Mistresses might be ignorant. Not everybody wants to be involved
with a married man. If your guy frequently forgets to put his
wedding ring on, or doesn't want to be seen in certain public
places with you, or constantly wants all the kids' toys out of the
car, he could be hiding something from somebody else, not just you.
Sixth, did you find a secret cell phone in the car?
This is a dead giveaway. What in the world would he need another
phone for? Odds are good it's a way to contact the other woman. And
even if there's no hidden phone, if your guy starts hiding himself
away to talk to "the office" all the time, that's another red flag.
Especially if he lowers his voice or sounds different from when
he's talking to you on the phone.
Seventh, is his wardrobe expanding beyond his normal pattern?
When you live with somebody or spend lots of time around them, you
get to know their patterns. If your guy is suddenly buying lots of
new stuff he hasn't ever shown an interest in before, he could be
trying to impress somebody...or somebody could be giving him gifts.
These are more common clues to tell if a guy is cheating, but
similar things are true for women. The point is, you CAN know for
What I've told you here is just the tip of the iceberg. These are
just clues, not proof. Proof is what you need. And that's what the
Affair Detector guide shows you how to get. You'll turn the tables
on your cheater and catch them red-handed.
Stop guessing, start knowing, and take your life back!
7 Tell-Tale Clues Someone’s Cheating On You