Snoop On Your Cheating Girlfriend
Don't be Afraid to Snoop!
There are specific things you should look for, and some specific places you should look if you want to find evidence of infidelity.
- Check the credit card bills.
Look for charges to hotels, florists and boutiques - anywhere your spouse might have bought a gift. Then match the bills to the calendar; could the gifts have been for you? If not, this is a good clue.
- Check his wallet, his pockets and the glove box in his car.
Look for credit card receipts, particularly from restaurants and hotels. Also look for phone numbers that you don't recognize.
- Check his cell phone bill.
Look for phone numbers that you don't recognize and check the times of the calls. For instance, if he calls one number regularly during his commute, or any other time you're not around, that might be an important number. If you decide to call the numbers you suspect, do so from a pay phone so that your caller id is not recorded. Don't say anything when you call; just see if you recognize the voice of the person who answers. Very often, he's seeing someone both of you know.
- Check his odometer.
If he's been somewhere in the car, check the odometer before and after the trip to see if the mileage correlates to where he says he's been.
- Keep your eyes and ears open.
Listen for inconsistencies in what he tells you. But, don't ask too many questions or he might suddenly stop talking.
- Read his email.
Check the deleted mail folder, too. He may have deleted her emails as soon as he read them.
- Check the cache on your Internet browser.
Your web browser can show you the websites that have been visited recently. Looking at these can give you lots of clues. If he's been visiting the websites of vacation resorts, and the two of you are not planning a vacation, for instance. Or, you can see if he's been visiting dating or porn websites.
- Smell his clothes.
Detect a perfume that's not yours? It's an old cliché, but look for lipstick on the collar, too.
- Look at his clothes.
If he suddenly has new clothes, new underwear in particular, it may be a sign that someone new is seeing them, or even picking them out.
Snoop On Your Cheating Girlfriend
Remember that very often our instincts are true. If you think something is wrong in your marriage, you're probably right. However, that doesn't necessarily mean your spouse is cheating. If you suspect infidelity, keep your cool. It's important not to let your spouse know that you suspect him if you want to find concrete evidence. If he thinks you're on to him, he will be more careful, making it more difficult to catch him.
It's wise not to confront your spouse with your suspicions until you are absolutely sure. If you're wrong, you may have seriously damaged your marriage. It's also wise not to assume that your spouse is having an affair just because you're having one. Very often, unfaithful spouses ease their guilt by assuming their spouse is as guilty as they are.
Infidelity is a serious issue. If you suspect your spouse is cheating, be emotionally prepared to deal with the truth when you find it. Decide if you believe that your marriage is worth saving.
You may even want to start counseling on your own before you confront your spouse in order to make the confrontation easier to handle. This is a difficult time in your life, so it's important to prepare for the outcome, so that no matter what happens, you can take care of yourself.
Snoop On Your Cheating Girlfriend
Cheating Husband Behavior Signs
Friday, October 31, 2008
Cheating Husband Behavior Signs
Cheating Husband Behavior Signs
Have you noticed any of this behavior?
There are some common signs to look for if you're concerned that your spouse is being unfaithful.
- You start receiving hang up calls on the phone.
The other person might be calling to see if your partner will answer. If you don't have caller id - get it. Then you can see who the hang up calls are coming from. You may choose to call the number back and see if you recognize the voice. If you do this, call from a pay phone so that your number isn't recognized.
- Your spouse starts working a lot of hours or taking a lot of business trips.
See what you can do to verify your spouse's whereabouts. If they're going out of town, be sure to get an itinerary. Try calling the hotel room when he wouldn't expect it; maybe an hour after you've talked and said goodnight for the evening.
- Your spouse stops wearing their wedding ring.
Unless something such as a dramatic weight gain or weight loss has occurred, it's suspicious if your partner suddenly stops wearing a wedding ring.
- Interest in sex is lacking.
If your partner's sex drive suddenly declines significantly, it could be a big sign that something's going on. Some people are simply not interested in their spouse sexually once they have a new partner; others feel too guilty to have sex with their spouse when they're sleeping with someone else. Be aware that a decline in sex drive can be caused by stress, medication, or other issues as well.
- You lose access to bills.
If you suddenly no longer have access to the cell phone bill, the home phone bill or your spouse's credit card bill, it could be a sign that there's something on those bills they don't want you to see.
- Your spouse suddenly wants to try new sexual techniques.
It is a paradox of affairs that a cheater will often have a renewed interest in sex with you. If your partner hasn't indicated a desire to work on your sex life, you might well wonder whether he or she learned these techniques elsewhere.
- The emphasis on your partners appearance increases, they join a gym, etc.
Unless this is part of a desire to get healthy decided on by the both of you, your partner might be interested in looking good for someone else.
- You begin to get showered with gifts.
If your spouse is suddenly away from home more than usual, but brings you a gift nearly every time they come home, your partner could be buying you gifts both to ease the guilt and to avoid making you suspicious.
Cheating Husband Behavior Signs
If your spouse is demonstrating some of the above behaviors, you may have legitimate cause to worry. Take time to examine your relationship and see if there are clues as to why your spouse might be looking elsewhere; though there are certainly situations where there don't seem to be any concrete reasons why people cheat.
If you believe your spouse is cheating, it may be wise to look for some evidence before you confront them. Many cheating spouses will tell you that it's "just your imagination" when you confront them with your suspicions. If you want to get to the bottom of the situation once and for all, confronting your partner with evidence is the best way. Find those hidden cell phone bills. Read personal emails, Check into travel arrangements for those "business trips".
Infidelity in a marriage is one of the most devastating things we can face. But, until you know once and for all whether or not your spouse is really cheating, you can't deal with the situation and try to recover. Intuition is often right on target; if you think something is wrong and your spouse is displaying cheating behavior, there's a good chance you're right. So, take the time to find out what's really going on in your marriage so that you can get on with your life.
Cheating Husband Behavior Signs
Affair Detector: The Latest Cheating Spouse Study
Have you noticed any of this behavior?
There are some common signs to look for if you're concerned that your spouse is being unfaithful.
- You start receiving hang up calls on the phone.
The other person might be calling to see if your partner will answer. If you don't have caller id - get it. Then you can see who the hang up calls are coming from. You may choose to call the number back and see if you recognize the voice. If you do this, call from a pay phone so that your number isn't recognized.
- Your spouse starts working a lot of hours or taking a lot of business trips.
See what you can do to verify your spouse's whereabouts. If they're going out of town, be sure to get an itinerary. Try calling the hotel room when he wouldn't expect it; maybe an hour after you've talked and said goodnight for the evening.
- Your spouse stops wearing their wedding ring.
Unless something such as a dramatic weight gain or weight loss has occurred, it's suspicious if your partner suddenly stops wearing a wedding ring.
- Interest in sex is lacking.
If your partner's sex drive suddenly declines significantly, it could be a big sign that something's going on. Some people are simply not interested in their spouse sexually once they have a new partner; others feel too guilty to have sex with their spouse when they're sleeping with someone else. Be aware that a decline in sex drive can be caused by stress, medication, or other issues as well.
- You lose access to bills.
If you suddenly no longer have access to the cell phone bill, the home phone bill or your spouse's credit card bill, it could be a sign that there's something on those bills they don't want you to see.
- Your spouse suddenly wants to try new sexual techniques.
It is a paradox of affairs that a cheater will often have a renewed interest in sex with you. If your partner hasn't indicated a desire to work on your sex life, you might well wonder whether he or she learned these techniques elsewhere.
- The emphasis on your partners appearance increases, they join a gym, etc.
Unless this is part of a desire to get healthy decided on by the both of you, your partner might be interested in looking good for someone else.
- You begin to get showered with gifts.
If your spouse is suddenly away from home more than usual, but brings you a gift nearly every time they come home, your partner could be buying you gifts both to ease the guilt and to avoid making you suspicious.
Cheating Husband Behavior Signs
If your spouse is demonstrating some of the above behaviors, you may have legitimate cause to worry. Take time to examine your relationship and see if there are clues as to why your spouse might be looking elsewhere; though there are certainly situations where there don't seem to be any concrete reasons why people cheat.
If you believe your spouse is cheating, it may be wise to look for some evidence before you confront them. Many cheating spouses will tell you that it's "just your imagination" when you confront them with your suspicions. If you want to get to the bottom of the situation once and for all, confronting your partner with evidence is the best way. Find those hidden cell phone bills. Read personal emails, Check into travel arrangements for those "business trips".
Infidelity in a marriage is one of the most devastating things we can face. But, until you know once and for all whether or not your spouse is really cheating, you can't deal with the situation and try to recover. Intuition is often right on target; if you think something is wrong and your spouse is displaying cheating behavior, there's a good chance you're right. So, take the time to find out what's really going on in your marriage so that you can get on with your life.
Cheating Husband Behavior Signs
Affair Detector: The Latest Cheating Spouse Study
Affair Detector: The Latest Cheating Spouse Study
Affair Detector: The Latest Cheating Spouse Study
Be careful of what you are looking for.
That is advice well heeded following research by Melbourne's Swinburne University which has found that many cyber daters may also be cyber cheaters.
In fact, there are growing numbers of people who are leaving their partners and children in pursuit of relationships that were spawned in internet dating sites or chat rooms.
People looking for love online are almost as likely to be living with a partner (41%) as they are to be single (46%) The statistics are alarming, and the consequences of this have wider implications for the legitimacy of internet chat rooms, people surfing the net, and relationships where partners surf the internet on a regular basis.
Affair Detector: The Latest Cheating Spouse Study
While cases of internet infidelity may have raised eyebrows a decade ago, private investigators and divorce lawyers recognize it as an all too common trend, and attribute it to the explosive growth in internet usage, and the consequently increased access to a wider variety of people. The anonymity an online profile offers is also an alluring factor for many people who want to hide evidence from unsuspecting partners.
Unlike one-night stands, people are more likely to cultivate relationships with their online mistresses or buddies for several months. It was relatively rare for online romances to remain in cyberspace without meeting face to face. Many people begin chatting in internet chat rooms or dating sites, go on to exchanging phone numbers and start texting and calling, and many go on to meet the person if they are not stopped or caught in-between.
For many couples, internet infidelity has started as a result of a difficult period in an existing relationship and the internet has become an outlet for their dissatisfaction and relationships have developed from this need to communicate or process repressed feelings.
Given the statistics following Swinburne University's survey of 1000 people by telephone interview, it forces those of us out there who are in relationships to look at internet chat rooms and surfing the web in a new light. While the internet has heralded many positive changes for people who use it, it also has a growing dark potential in ending relationships.
It's something to be aware of.
Affair Detector: The Latest Cheating Spouse Study
Be careful of what you are looking for.
That is advice well heeded following research by Melbourne's Swinburne University which has found that many cyber daters may also be cyber cheaters.
In fact, there are growing numbers of people who are leaving their partners and children in pursuit of relationships that were spawned in internet dating sites or chat rooms.
People looking for love online are almost as likely to be living with a partner (41%) as they are to be single (46%) The statistics are alarming, and the consequences of this have wider implications for the legitimacy of internet chat rooms, people surfing the net, and relationships where partners surf the internet on a regular basis.
Affair Detector: The Latest Cheating Spouse Study
While cases of internet infidelity may have raised eyebrows a decade ago, private investigators and divorce lawyers recognize it as an all too common trend, and attribute it to the explosive growth in internet usage, and the consequently increased access to a wider variety of people. The anonymity an online profile offers is also an alluring factor for many people who want to hide evidence from unsuspecting partners.
Unlike one-night stands, people are more likely to cultivate relationships with their online mistresses or buddies for several months. It was relatively rare for online romances to remain in cyberspace without meeting face to face. Many people begin chatting in internet chat rooms or dating sites, go on to exchanging phone numbers and start texting and calling, and many go on to meet the person if they are not stopped or caught in-between.
For many couples, internet infidelity has started as a result of a difficult period in an existing relationship and the internet has become an outlet for their dissatisfaction and relationships have developed from this need to communicate or process repressed feelings.
Given the statistics following Swinburne University's survey of 1000 people by telephone interview, it forces those of us out there who are in relationships to look at internet chat rooms and surfing the web in a new light. While the internet has heralded many positive changes for people who use it, it also has a growing dark potential in ending relationships.
It's something to be aware of.
Affair Detector: The Latest Cheating Spouse Study
Friday, October 10, 2008
How To Catch A Cheating Spouse

Why It Is So Important That You Find Out The Truth
When a cheater tries to force you to mistrust your own gut instincts, it is called gas lighting. Gas lighting is not only lousy for your self-esteem, but it can also keep you in a state of denial. Sometimes, your own instincts are so damaged by lies, secrets and defensive accusations that it may be necessary rely on a private detective or a portable lie detector to find out the truth. Before you take drastic steps, take a look for these following signs that a spouse might cheating.
"My partner kept saying how much he loved me, but avoided touching me physically for months!"
You start wondering if he or she might be having an affair. Is it jealousy, your imagination or is he or she just paying less attention to you because there are other problems in the relationship? If your partner won't discuss issues with you, particularly if there is a lack of sexual intimacy, then you might have a cheater on your hands.
"He used to call me whenever he was going to work late, but now I have no idea whether or not he will be home at all! When I ask for an explanation, he loses his temper."
Is he or she staying out a lot later than usual, not showing up for dinner or unable to account for his or her whereabouts? Does your spouse react with rage and accuse you of being the Spanish Inquisition if you ask him or her to account for missing time? Changes of routine can indicate infidelity.
"He tells me he is rewarding me with presents just for existing, but I would rather he were home more often."
If you are suddenly showered with gifts and compliments for no reason, then your spouse might be trying to make up for guilty feelings.
"I know a fight is coming because she tries to rub salt on old wounds by reminding me of a time I was in the wrong. I get so frustrated I end up yelling and she slams out of the house."
In this case, the cheating spouse is looking for a reason to blame you for his or her need to leave. The emotional logic behind this is that picking a fight gives the cheating spouse an excuse to fly out of the house and possibly into the arms of the third party. That way the cheating partner can deny guilty feelings and blame you instead. If you are not to blame, a cheater will always create a reason to justify what he or she is doing to you.
"He is always calling me stupid, and when I cry, he tells me I am pathetic and leaves."
This is part of an agenda that, once again, gives the cheating spouse an excuse to leave or a justification for the affair. The guilty partner might also be overly sensitive to criticism from you, as there may be a ring of truth that triggers guilty feelings that they would rather not face.
"It is always her way or the highway. If I don't agree to every little thing, then she threatens to leave me."
If your partner threatens you with ending the relationship every time you have a fight, you might have a cheater on your hands. A cheating spouse feels safe giving these ultimatums, because there is another person as backup should the two of you decide to split up.
"I don't like the way my wife keeps telling me that we will always be friends even after this ends. This makes me think - why is she envisioning a future without me?"
Another sign of cheating is a consistently negative attitude towards the relationship and comments that make you feel as if you have an expiry date inked on your forehead. This might include saying such things as, "I would like to travel next year," (with no mention of a "we") or, "You know I will always love you, even when this ends."
"All I have to do is ask a simple, polite question and he starts yelling at me to get off his back!"
It could be that he or she is brooding about what he or she has done and can't handle the guilt. Sudden explosive displays of affection or anger can also be a bad sign, as the partner might be
transferring emotional reactions from the outlaw relationship onto you simply because you see each other more often. In other words, you may be the recipient of a mood that is not due to any of your actions at all, but because the third party provoked a fight!
"She has always undressed in front of me, but now she wraps herself up in her robe like she is afraid I will catch her in the nude."
Cheaters psychologically distance themselves in such subtle ways as locking the bathroom door when he or she has always left it open, doing their own laundry or keeping locked drawers. If he or she seems extra finicky about personal boundaries or seems to be trying to set new rules about privacy, this is also a warning sign.
"For years, the two of us watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show together and now he is poo pooing that and saying he was not that into it, just humoring me."
Dating experts say that if your partner's taste in clothing, movies or music suddenly changes, than he or she may be trying please a new lover.
"I really want to have kids and buy a house soon, but every time I bring up our future she shrugs it off and changes the subject."
Perhaps the biggest indication that you might be dealing with a cheater is if they stop acting as if they are a part of your life. They may lose complete interest in family, friends or following through on mutual financial goals or plans for the future. Your mate also might be reluctant to go out of town or on vacation, as the time away might cause a crisis in his or her other relationship. You need to find out the truth because you are wasting all of your financial, physical and material energies into building a future with someone who may not be planning to build a future with you.
If you do discover your partner is cheating your relationship will also probably go through three phases. The first is the reaction to the affair, the second is the decision as to what to do about it, and the last is a recuperation phase (whether or not you decide to stick it out with your partner in the end). If your partner is willing to be part of the decision and recuperation phases, it is highly recommended that you seek marriage or relationship counseling to deal with the fall-out from the infidelity. No matter how you find out the truth, whether it be through the use of a private detective, a portable lie detector or catching the perpetrator in the act, knowing it is better than being afraid of it. Remember that the truth may hurt but it will also set you free.
Want to Know More Ways To Find Out The Truth?
Make sure that you don't leave anything to chance. Get How To Catch A Cheating Spouse and learn every last detail on what it takes to catch your cheating spouse red-handed. If you're ready to discover the truth, click here to order. I look forward to helping you lay your fears to rest and get on with the rest of your life.
Keeping it real!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Affair Detector Review

Affair Detector Review
The Affair Detector Guide is filled with all of the things you should know if you suspect your partner of having an affair. You must arm yourself with evidence to support your suspicions. This e-book has all of the answers. It is well thought out, and has all of the tips and tricks at your fingertips if you have the need to find out if you are a victim of a cheating spouse.
This guide will tell you how to find the clues you need to prove your case. It will show you how to retrieve and look at deleted instant messages from a cell phone. It will also show you how to find out what numbers are being called and who is calling the cell phone even if the calls have been deleted.
If you want the telltale signs of a cheating spouse, they are in there. Like smelling a different perfume on his clothing, maybe he is dressing differently or taking special care of his appearance. Maybe she is getting dressed up and finding more reasons to leave the house that she did not have before.
If you suspect something is going on, this e-book will help you to follow up on your instincts. It is insightful, thoughtful, and also helps you to deal with whatever you find out. Find out if he is lying to you. The book tells you what signs to watch for when you are being lied to.
There are errors that every cheater makes and this e-book will tell you what they are. This e-book is just what your unsuspecting partner will be caught by. All of the valuable information in this book is worth any price to protect your sanity and your emotional being. Affair Detector is definitely the book that will help you to finally know the truth, so you can go on with your life.
Affair Detector Review
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Cheating Spouse Touchy.... Confronting the Other Person

A Cheating Spouse Touchy.... Confronting the Other
Helped bring closure.
1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do?
To bring closure for me and in a way i had hoped that she would reply with remorse and apologies. I e-mailed her as it made it less personal. I let my husband read the letter before I sent it and we both agreed for it to be sent.
2. What happened? What was the outcome?
She was incredibly sorry and apologetic. I got the feeling that she meant everything she said and her words and apologies were very heart-felt.
3. If you were to do it again, would you do it differently? What did you learn?
I would do it just the same. For me the outcome was very conclusive. There were absolutely no harsh words from either of us and in a strange way i felt an amazing connection with her after our correspondence.
I would guess this would be an "I Need to Prove my Desirability" affair or perhaps, "I Want to be Close to Someone...but can't stand intimacy."
Note the lack of drama. Or perhaps there was drama, but all parties were able to stand back, make some shifts and growth and moved through their neediness. What do you think?
Also note the mutual agreement by both spouses to send the letter. Sounds like they were both on the same page - which takes away much of the game playing.
A Cheating Spouse Touchy.... Confronting the Other
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wife Cheating on her Husband - How to Know If Your Wife is Cheating

Everyday you hear stories of a wife cheating on a husband, but you never thought it would happen to you. You thought everything was going according to your plans as husband and wife. Somewhere down the line your plans and dreams were shattered. Right now you want to know if wife is cheating.
Things have changed between the two of you, well at least for her anyway. The things she use to do for you she don't do them anymore. Use to be a time when she would try to please you any way she could, now it all about her. It is to the point where she does not care about anything you do for her.
She don't want to talk to you about anything that going on in her life. She has become distant from you. When she comes home she tries to avoid you at all cost. She closes the bathroom door because she don't want you to her taking a bath, knowing the two of you use to take baths together.
The signs of a cheating wife can be clearly seen if you want to see them. The clothes see use to wear around you she will not dare wear them for you now. Because she is wearing them for someone else. When she goes to work she dresses different, wearing sexy clothes. Then when she gets home she puts on any old thing.
Every word that comes out of her mouth is a curse word and the sad thing is you are still trying to treat her with the up most respect. If she is starting arguments for nothing, she is using that as a way for you to leave her alone or a way for her to get out of the house.
She will have her friends to call the house so she can get out. Her friends are willing to help her because she has told them some lies about you. They feel as though they are doing the right thing, because they are on the outside looking in they will help her.
The secrets and lies of a wife cheating on husband can be brought to the light. You know the old saying, what's done in the dark, will come to the light. If you want to know what she is hiding you need to learn how to know if wife is cheating. It is easy to find out when you do it the right way and learn the signs.
You deserve better, you need to catch A Cheating Wife and you need to do it now. How to know if wife is cheating on you can be found at get it now.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
7 Tell-Tale Clues Someone’s Cheating On You

7 Tell-Tale Clues Someone’s Cheating On You
You want to know for sure, but how can you?
It's easy to write off your feelings as silly jealousy without any
foundation, but is that really what's going on?
What you need to do is arm yourself with cheater radar.
Cheaters and criminals have one big thing in common...they always
make mistakes, no matter how careful they are. Those mistakes are
like finding fingerprints on the murder weapon. That's what nails
either the criminal or the cheater.
Here are just seven things you can look for. I'm going to focus on
men here, because men cheating on women is extremely common. But
there are similar clues for women cheating on men.
This is just a small taste of what's in the Affair Detector guide.
It's a complete system for knowing for sure if somebody's cheating
on you. You can know without a shadow of a doubt within 48 hours,
and stop being abused.
First, do your mutual friends act like they're hiding something?
This can be subtle, but you'll know if you pay attention. Are they
talking uncomfortably when you mention your guy being AWOL last
week at some odd times? Are they stealing secret glances? Those are
Second, does he accuse YOU of cheating?
Jealously can go both ways, but sometimes the person making
unfounded accusations is the guilty one. (That's a big reason you
want to know for sure before you accuse, by the way.)
If he's calling you a cheater, he might be trying to deflect blame.
That's a classic sign of wrongdoing that police detectives use
every day to nail criminals.
Third, do your fights seem scheduled?
If he's always picking a fight with you on the same night, that
seems convenient, doesn't it? Odds are good he's looking for a
convenient reason to leave the house for a date. And if he's
enjoying himself, he might stay "mad" the entire weekend so he can
have more fun.
We have some very insightful tips on these first three points in
Affair Detector, which is simply a MUST read:
Fourth, is his paycheck magically disappearing?
Maybe you've noticed his overtime pay doesn't seem to make it into
your joint bank account. He's probably been using overtime as an
excuse for not being with you, but if the pay's not there,
something's fishy. What's he using that money for?
Fifth, if you're married, does he seem to be hiding you or your
Mistresses might be ignorant. Not everybody wants to be involved
with a married man. If your guy frequently forgets to put his
wedding ring on, or doesn't want to be seen in certain public
places with you, or constantly wants all the kids' toys out of the
car, he could be hiding something from somebody else, not just you.
Sixth, did you find a secret cell phone in the car?
This is a dead giveaway. What in the world would he need another
phone for? Odds are good it's a way to contact the other woman. And
even if there's no hidden phone, if your guy starts hiding himself
away to talk to "the office" all the time, that's another red flag.
Especially if he lowers his voice or sounds different from when
he's talking to you on the phone.
Seventh, is his wardrobe expanding beyond his normal pattern?
When you live with somebody or spend lots of time around them, you
get to know their patterns. If your guy is suddenly buying lots of
new stuff he hasn't ever shown an interest in before, he could be
trying to impress somebody...or somebody could be giving him gifts.
These are more common clues to tell if a guy is cheating, but
similar things are true for women. The point is, you CAN know for
What I've told you here is just the tip of the iceberg. These are
just clues, not proof. Proof is what you need. And that's what the
Affair Detector guide shows you how to get. You'll turn the tables
on your cheater and catch them red-handed.
Stop guessing, start knowing, and take your life back!
7 Tell-Tale Clues Someone’s Cheating On You
Saturday, September 20, 2008
How to Tell Girlfriend is Cheating - What You Need to Know

How to Tell Girlfriend is Cheating - What You Need to Know
Are you one of the many guys who wants to know how to tell girlfriend is cheating. You have this gut feeling but you are not for sure if she is cheating or not. How can you find out for sure?
You could be up front and ask her. You may not feel good about this method because you will feel like a fool if she is not and she will be mad at you for asking her something like that. On top of that if she is cheating she is not going to tell you the truth anyway. She will lie and make you feel guilty so you can leave her alone.
You might think it's a good idea to ask her friends but you will not get the truth out of them. Her friends are more than likely in on the whole thing. Think about it for a minute. When she goes out who does she say she's going out with, her friends. If you confront them they will tell her and she will be mad at you for asking them.
There are signs of a cheating girlfriend, you have to be on the look out to see them. Just because you have noticed some changes in her or the way she does things dose not mean she is cheating on you. If you have the feeling she is, watch closely you will soon find out, most of the time those feelings you have are right.
The only way for you to catch her is to step up your game. There is no need for you to spend money on private investigators, that will be expensive. Usually all it takes is for you to be quiet, set back and watch, she will slip up sooner or later.
There are some books that will show you how to tell girlfriend is cheating. There is no need for you to spend your money on investigators. People who have done this for a living have put together books so you can do it yourself without spending a lot of cash.
You deserve better, you need to catch A Cheating Girlfriend and you need to do it now. How to know if your girlfriend is cheating on you can be found at get it now.
How to Tell Girlfriend is Cheating - What You Need to Know
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Boyfriend Cheating Quiz - Take This Simple Boyfriend Cheating Quiz

Boyfriend Cheating Quiz - Take This Simple Boyfriend Cheating Quiz
A boyfriend cheating quiz is what you need to determine if you have a cheating boyfriend or not.You may be one the ladies who have bad feelings he is cheating on you. If this is you, than here are a few question you can ask yourself.
But first, before you start reading the question below, do not accuse him of cheating because of one or two question fit the way he is acting. There may be something else going on that he wants to keep to himself. Some things he feel is personal and will not share it with you, just yet. So be careful.
This is a simple boyfriend cheating on me quiz, all you have to do is chose yes or no. Do not make this quiz hard it is easy and it can enlightened you on a few things if you keep your mind open and be honest.
Here you go:
1. Has his work hours change lately and how often?
2. Does he act funny when his cell phone or house phone ring?
3. Does he still touch you that certain way?
4. How much time does he spend with his buddies?
5. Do they call to get him out of the house a lot?
6. How does he dress when he go to work or anywhere else?
Those are just six of the many more question you should be asking yourself and answering. Two of the question go hand and hand, they are cell phone and his friends. These two working together make it hard for you to catch him. Here how you handle that, listen to the tone of his voice.
You have heard the way he talks to his friends on the phone before, right, I mean before you thought he was cheating on you. If you really listen you will know when he is talking to his friend or the other woman. You have to learn how to listen.
During your boyfriend cheating quiz if you answered yes to all six question do not panic yet, because there are a lot more question for you to answer. The full boyfriend is cheating quiz will give you the best clues, the answers you need to know for sure.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Husband Cheating On You - How To Find Out If Your Husband Is Cheating

Husband Cheating On You - How To Find Out If Your Husband Is Cheating
Let me make one thing perfectly clear about your husband cheating on you. That man is treating you like dirt. He's treating you like a dirty old sock he has just as soon throw away. Learn how to find out if your husband is cheating.
That probably hurts to hear. Maybe you think he's not that bad. You are wrong. He is, and he proves it every time he sneak around on you. You gave your life this him. You put your emotions in his hands. He said he loved you. And now he spits in your face by sneaking around and playing you for a fool.
It’s not hopeless, though, and you need to know that. You can find out for sure if this is going on. Once you know, you can either get yourself out of the situation with confidence, or you can confront your lying cheating husband, reconcile and have the happiness you deserve again.
That might seem like a tall order, but it’s not. In fact, it’s easy to do if have what amounts to a coach in your corner. Books have been written on how to nip a cheating husband in the bud. You can get all the details about it once you get to the end of this article.
Do you know the single biggest mistake people (especially women, unfortunately) make when they think their man is cheating on them?
They confront him emotionally. Gosh, we can all understand that, right?
Who wouldn't be mad? You have a right to be mad? Or sad, or at least bothered? Sure it is, but you'll shoot yourself in the foot if you confront him without the police detective’s best friend: Cold Hard Evidence.
That’s what you need. Once you have it, you can plan your confrontation. You'll still have emotions, but you can prepare for them, not be controlled by them. The key is gathering the information you need, and then using it on your terms.
This is what you need to learn how to do. Things like:
1. Find out who he’s been talking to, when, and for how long (you'll be able to hack into cell phone records at will)
2. Notice the signs every cheating husband leaves behind, and be sure if something’s going on (yes, you can KNOW)
3. Track your husbands computer use so you can see the tracks they leave behind while they conduct their cyber-affair
4. Get inside his head and catch him at their game without him even knowing he is confessing with every word he speak and every action he take
This is the most powerful individual espionage material on the planet. Using this will save you thousands of dollars you'd normally pay a private investigator. There’s no need when you can do it all yourself.
Remember, if your husband is cheating on you, he is telling you you're not good enough. Are you going to settle for that? You shouldn't. If he's cheating on you, it’s his fault for making that choice, and you can and should stop them.
Husband Cheating On You - How To Find Out If Your Husband Is Cheating
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Affair Detector - Is My Man Cheating

Affair Detector - Is My Man Cheating
How To Get Rock Solid Proof That Your Partner Is Cheating On You In 48 Hours With Zero Risk
With Affair Detector You'll Know With Whom, Where, When, How Long... And Finally Arm Yourself To Stop The Lies And Humiliation
Do NOT continue reading if you don't want to know whether or not your partner is cheating on you. If you think ignorance is bliss, the powerful techniques I'm about to reveal could seriously burst your bubble.
What I'm going to show you is ONLY for people who MUST know the truth so they can stop the harmful emotional hurt and manipulation cheating causes.
If you want the truth, and you're prepared to uncover how your partner is playing you for a fool, read on.
You've given all of yourself to somebody. You've revealed your innermost thoughts and feelings. You think your relationship is "special", or that maybe... just maybe... you've found the soul mate you've wanted for so long.
But the whiffs of somebody else's perfume, or the "secret" cell phone calls at odd hours, or the cold feeling when you're intimate make you wonder.
Is he seeing someone else? Is she in somebody else's arms over lunch? Is this person going behind your back like they don't care about you at all... like they're just using you?
Most people have a nagging feeling that their partner is cheating before they really know. But cheating is more (much more) than just a nagging feeling in your gut.
Cheating Could Be Killing You
Cheating not only destroys the relationship you thought you had, and makes you feel used, abused and thrown away. You're probably feeling that way right now, and you don't even know for sure yet whether it's really going on.
What's devastating about cheating is that it also
Kills your happiness
Causes depression and anxiety
Wreaks havoc with your appetite and sleep patterns
Makes you feel like you're an ugly, or can't measure up in the bedroom
Exposes you to much higher risk of sexually transmitted disease
All of that because your partner is being selfish and cruel. Cheating obviously isn't a "harmless" game. It's harming you.
The only way to stop it is to know, once and for all, if it's really going on so you can put a cold, hard halt to behavior that's robbing you of the life you should have.
Uncover The Truth And End The Misery NOW!
If you want to try to repair a broken relationship, grab a copy of Cosmo at your local supermarket.
If you're tired of not knowing, and possibly living a delusion, you need rock solid proof if there's something going on or not when "no one's watching".
I'm going to hand a simple, quick, completely private way to know the truth fast. That means within 48 hours (maybe a week at the outside, depending on how much evidence you want), you'll have
* No more nagging doubts about whether you're just being paranoid (this is common... and commonly false)
* No more emotion-stabbing thoughts of your partner kissing or fondling someone else behind your back
* No more self esteem killing images of yourself as somehow "inadequate", as if you brought the cheating on yourself
* No more stress, lost sleep, or lost appetite from feeling sick over being treated like an dirty old rag
* No more worries about contracting an STD because your partner's giving himself or herself to somebody else
Are you tired of the agony of not knowing? Sick of living in limbo while your partner might be chatting around? Then it's time you had an easy way to know for sure.
Affair Detector - Is My Man Cheating
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